Rehacenter Ozubulu/Anambra State

Rehacenter Ozubulu/Anambra State

 “Disabled is the one who is being disabled” applies to Nigeria as well. 

Rosemary Odunukwe cares for her charges with great love and commitment at the Recdot Rehab Center in Ozubulu/Anambra State. In the inclusive school, disabled and non-disabled children learn with and from each other.

The children and young people cared for in the rehabilitation center have the chance to live a dignified and independent life here.

Ozubulu Schulkinder
Ozubulu an Polio erkranktes Maedchen wurde operiert
Ozubulu Post von den Pateneltern
Ozubulu Schulsachen von Pateneltern

Many children were admitted to this center who contracted polio due to a lack of medical prophylaxis. These children have the opportunity to learn to walk again after surgery and with special walking aids and no longer have to crawl on the ground.

Some other children are still waiting for your support so that they can also be operated on.

Please give these children the chance for a more independent life!

♡ Support children now – in Ozubulu

HIFA (Help for All),
urgently requests donations for the Ozubulu Rehacenter

Donation keyword:
Rehacenter Ozubulu

AT73 3200 0000 0260 6226

rehacenter ozubulu girl

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