Vocational Training Center in Nigeria: How HIFA is Changing the Future of Young People
At HIFA, we are committed to improving the living conditions in Africa, and this includes renovating buildings that serve as training centers. However, to ensure that these buildings meet the needs of the communities, we need tools and machines that are not available in Nigeria. A container shipment with such tools and machines will help us achieve our goals. But that’s not all: we also plan to implement a train-the-trainer program to ensure that the communities have the skills and knowledge to use the tools and machines effectively. Read on to learn more about our plans and the associated costs.
What are the next steps?
The next steps involve complete rust removal, cleaning, and repair of the machines, which can then be put back into operation. While these machines cannot produce precision work, they can produce workpieces for training purposes and sale.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to all who have contributed to fully financing the first expansion phase through their donations. However, we still need further support to successfully complete the project. Every donation helps us to improve the educational opportunities for young people in Calabar.
The heavily dilapidated buildings previously housed a technical school before the Biafran War. There are still a few heavily rusted machines that can be put back into operation after complete rust removal, cleaning, and repair work. While these machines cannot produce precision work, they can produce workpieces for training purposes and sale.
Summary of the plan:
2. Container delivery of tools and machines that are not available in Nigeria (such as a lift).
- The renovation work on the buildings will cost around €2,500. The roof has already been repaired. Train the Trainer program (was conducted in 2016). The estimated cost is €25,000.
Training based on the Austrian model!
HIFA is committed to improving education and training in Africa and has created a training facility in Calabar, Cross River State, based on the Austrian HTL training system. With workshops for
- Metal and wood processing
- Automotive workshop
- Locksmithing Sheet
- metal work
- Electronics or electrical training
the school offers students the opportunity to learn important skills.
HIFA was asked by the now emeritus Archbishop Dr. Joseph Ukpo to revitalize an area of three buildings in a school complex of the archdiocese.
School class – Students learn – Calabar School – Nigeria – Africa
The challenge of the Nigerian education system The Nigerian education system is divided into six years of primary school and two sets of three years of secondary school (6-3-3). However, after school, young people at 18 years old have few prospects other than university. Manual skills do not have a high societal value, and there is no vocational training as we have. The result: a growing group of unemployed academics. Therefore, HIFA is committed to creating vocational training centers to provide young people with a perspective and a better future.
Progress Made So Far: Train the Trainer Program and Purchase of Container and Machines
HIFA has taken significant steps in recent years to improve the education system in Nigeria. In 2014, the first module of the Train the Trainer program was launched to train teachers on the machines so they can pass on their knowledge and skills to their students.
Another important milestone was the purchase of a container with machines that are not available in Nigeria and their transportation to Calabar. This was a significant financial expense, as the purchase of the container and machines, as well as transportation, amounted to a total of €22,800. All donations received so far have been spent on these important investments.
This first phase of expansion is now fully funded! Thank you very much to all who have contributed to this achievement!
♡ Support youths in Calabar now
HIFA (Help for All),
urgently appeals for donations for the Calabar vocational school.
Donation reference:
Calabar vocational school
AT 733 200 000 002 606 226