Easter in Nigeria
For the (estimated) 78 million Christians in Nigeria, Easter is a very special celebration!
As the people in Nigeria do not see the Christian holidays as “gift-giving festivals,” the true origin of the celebrations has the most important meaning!
Traditions such as the Easter Bunny or the search for Easter eggs do not play a role in African countries.
Most Nigerians have to struggle with poverty, illness, existential fears, experiences of violence, and injustices in their lives.
Therefore, they can identify very well with Jesus and his suffering, especially during Easter!
The idea of redemption at Easter and the associated hope of being redeemed from suffering is particularly strong among the people in Nigeria at this time.
The celebration of Palm Sunday starts with a 4 to 5 hour Holy Mass. Then processions take place in which the participants walk for several kilometers singing and dancing with palm branches!
Looking at these images, one can imagine how Jesus may have experienced this himself!
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are also celebrated with the usual church festivals! During these days, it is often strangely quiet. There should be no laughter, and no music should be played. Even the traditional drums fall silent.
Everything should remind of the suffering and death of Jesus.
Usually, scenes from the Easter story are reenacted.
During this time, many people take long walks to get to their relatives and celebrate Easter with them.
But this sad mood changes suddenly on Easter night from Saturday to Sunday!
Big Easter fires are lit in front of the churches. The drums start playing again. In some parts of Nigeria, many Christians wear completely white clothing for this celebration, even men and children! The Holy Masses often last half the night… to continue on Sunday morning!

Looking at these images, one can imagine how Jesus may have experienced this himself!
Maundy Thursday and Good Friday are also celebrated with the usual church festivals! During these days, it is often strangely quiet. There should be no laughter, and no music should be played. Even the traditional drums fall silent.
Everything should remind of the suffering and death of Jesus.

Usually, scenes from the Easter story are reenacted.
During this time, many people take long walks to get to their relatives and celebrate Easter with them.
But this sad mood changes suddenly in the Easter night from Saturday to Sunday!
Big Easter fires are lit in front of the churches. The drums start playing again. In some parts of Nigeria, many Christians wear completely white clothing for this celebration, even men and children! The Holy Masses often last half the night… to continue on Sunday morning!
During this celebration, the whole joy of the resurrection of Jesus, but also the hope for one’s own liberation from all evil, is fully expressed!