Bild von Ärzten und Krankenschwestern in Nigeria, die vor einem von HIFA gespendeten Krankentransportwagen posieren. Die mobile Krankenstation soll dazu beitragen, die Gesundheitsversorgung in ländlichen Gebieten in Nigeria zu verbessern.

Mobile Medical Station

Die medizinische Versorgung der Landbevölkerung 

The medical care for the rural population in the villages around Aba, Abia State, is almost non-existent. We were able to send an ambulance to Aba, with which doctors from Aba volunteer to travel to the villages to treat the villagers and, if necessary, take them to the hospital. Please support the medical care of the rural population with

  • medical equipment,
  • medicines and
  • means to treat and transport indigent patients!

HIFA has helped!

With your help and thanks to the special support of the parish of Perchtoldsdorf, we were able to purchase an ambulance. It was safely transported to Nigeria in a container. The mobile medical station is already in use. Many heartfelt thanks to all donors, especially to the parish group of Perchtoldsdorf!

The Environmental Hygiene Department of the Provincial Government of Lower Austria has provided HIFA with six X-ray machines with accessories such as doctor’s coats, lead aprons, etc., and 3 eye examination devices free of charge. Many thanks to Dr. Ulrike Schauer!

Everything was dismantled by HIFA President Dipl. Ing. Uwe Kraus, packed in a purchased used container and shipped. Dr. Patrick Agu handed over the equipment to hospitals in Abia State.

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die Geschichte von Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe

Dr. Patrick Agu is in charge of this project. Dr. Agu is a radiologist who was trained in Austria with the support of HIFA for many years. He has already helped countless people and treats indigent patients for free as far as his financial means allow.

♡ Support the Mobile Medical Station now – Aba, Abia State

HIFA (Help for All),
urgently requests donations for the mobile medical station

Donation keyword:
Mobile Medical Station

AT 733 200 000 002 606 226

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