
Eine Gruppe von kleinen Kindern in der Schule Uru Lokpaukwu, Afrika, sitzen auf einfachen Stühlen auf einem gebrochenen Boden. Ein kleines, süßes Mädchen steht in der Mitte und lächelt in die Kamera.

School Uru Lokpaukwu – A new school in a village in the bush

The HIFA team was able to quickly and successfully implement the school project in Uru Lokpaukwu, and the school was able to open its doors in September. With the help of donations, the building was adapted and the equipment was purchased. The women of the village are very grateful for the quick help and welcomed the sisters at a small celebration. The school project was a much-needed help, and we appeal for further support to secure funding and continue to provide educational opportunities for the children in Uru Lokpaukwu.

Bild einer Lehrwerkstätte in Calabar, Nigeria, die von HIFA unterstützt wird und Kindern die Möglichkeit bietet, praktische Fähigkeiten in verschiedenen Berufsfeldern zu erlernen. HIFA engagiert sich dafür, benachteiligten Kindern Bildung und Ausbildung zu ermöglichen, um ihre Chancen auf eine bessere Zukunft zu erhöhen.

Vocational Training Center in Nigeria: How HIFA is Changing the Future of Young People

HIFA is changing the future of young people in Nigeria by renovating vocational training centers and providing necessary tools and machines. A train-the-trainer program will also be implemented to ensure effective use. Donate now to support this initiative and improve educational opportunities for young people.