The Feast of St Joseph: An Occasion to honour Men and Fathers
The Feast of St Joseph is a Christian day of honour celebrated every year on 19th of March. On this day, Joseph, the husband of Mary, is honoured as a father and husband. In many countries, including Nigeria, the feast provides an occasion to value men and fathers who care for their families and take seriously their responsibilities as fathers and husbands.
The significance of the festival:
The day provides an opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the importance of men and fathers in society. Joseph is described in the Bible as a humble man who took Mary as his wife even though she was already pregnant. He took his responsibility as the father of Jesus seriously and provided a safe environment. The feast of St Joseph is a reminder that men make important contributions to families and that these tasks are valued.
How is the feast celebrated?
In Nigeria and many other countries with a high Catholic population, the feast of St Joseph is celebrated as an important Christian day of honour. On this day, believers attend church services to honour Joseph and his role as a father. There is no official Father’s Day in Nigeria, but on the feast day of St. Joseph, families prepare special meals and exchange gifts to express appreciation for fathers and male role models and to recognise their importance in the family and society.
The importance of fathers and men in society:
The feast of St Joseph provides an opportunity to focus on the importance of fathers and men in society. They play a significant role and make an important contribution in the family and society by providing protection and support and serving as role models.