The importance of mothers in Nigeria and how Mother’s Day is celebrated
In Nigeria, as in many other countries around the world, mothers have a special status. They are often the binding basis for family life. Mothers are honoured to show the importance they have to the family. When Nigeria was still an English colony, Mother’s Day was introduced, so this holiday is more in the consciousness of people who have a connection to Europe and European culture (mostly England). For the common people, such western holidays disappear behind the everyday worries of the people.
On Mothering Day, mothers are thanked for their hard work and love for the family, the families show their gratitude to their mothers with a prayer in church or in the service. Sometimes they prepare a good meal.
In contrast to Mother’s Day in Austria on the second Sunday in May, Mothering Day in Nigeria is celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent, as is the case in Britain or with International Women’s Day on 8 March.